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Talking about suicide is hard.  Asking about suicide is even harder.  Especially if you are a parent who is worried about your teenager having suicidal thoughts.  With the current trend of 42% of high school students experiencing persistent sadness and hopelessness, and 22% of high school students seriously considering attempting suicide, becoming comfortable with asking your child about suicide is essential.  
Having a conversation with your child about suicide can be uncomfortable. It brings up all sorts of emotions for both you the parent and for your child.  Often times parents do not feel equipped to talk to their child about suicide.   With this course, you will gain the skill and confidence to ask the hard questions that need to be asked to help identify if your child needs closer supervision or even specialized help. With learning how to do the hard thing, how to inquire about suicide, you open a door of communication between you and your child that just may safe their life.
Parents can prevent suicide if they have the courage to ask the hard thing. 
Parents can prevent suicide if they know better.
Know better, DoBetter and feel better. 

The Hard Thing- Asking Your Child About Suicide

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    If you or your child are in a crisis

    and need immediate help, please Call 988, 911, or Text 741741 for HELP.

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